Are you a student looking to apply for university but don’t know where to start with your personal statement? Writing a compelling and effective personal statement is no easy feat! It’s important to show the admissions team who you are as an applicant; highlighting your achievements, experiences and goals in order to set yourself apart from other applicants. 

Fortunately, there are steps that all students can take when writing their personal statement that could make it much easier. In this post, we’ll explore how correctly constructing and conveying your story on paper will give you the best chance of standing out from the crowd.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is an essay that provides insight into your interests, motivations, values, and goals. It gives admissions officers an idea of who you are and why they should accept you into their program. A personal statement should be thoughtful, honest, and reflective. It should also include relevant experiences that relate to the field or course you’re applying to.

Starting your statement

The first step in writing your personal statement is to introduce yourself. Talk about who you are, where you grew up, what your education background and interests are. Avoid cliches such as “since I was young I wanted to…”. Instead, provide concrete examples of your experiences and why they make you well-suited for this course. 

Talk about your personal skills and achievements

After introducing yourself it’s time to talk about why you’re the right fit for this University. Talk about any leadership roles or awards that demonstrate your ability to succeed in higher education. Mention any experiences that have shaped who you are today, such as studies abroad, part-time jobs or voluntary work. Describe how these experiences broadened your outlook and developed new skills like problem solving or teamwork, which can make you stand out among other applicants.

Future Plans

Finally it’s time to talk about your future plans and why the university would be the perfect place for you to achieve them. Explain how this particular course fits with your career aspirations and how their teaching methods suit your learning style – this will show that you’ve done your research on the institution before applying! Make sure every sentence connects together so that all these points come together to create a convincing story of why they should accept you into their course.

Ending your statement

To finish off your personal statement in a memorable way, tie everything together by summarising why this institution is best suited for helping reach your goals and ambitions. You could also explain what makes them unique compared to other universities – do they offer something extra like special events or mentoring? End with something positive such as looking forward to hopefully becoming part of their student body soon!

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