OK Student’s website is owned by UCADEMICS , LDA, a company legally established in Portugal, with fiscal address in Edifício Marina Club, Avenida Arriaga, N.º 73, 1.º Andar, Sala 105, 9050-028 Funchal and VAT n.º 513339760.
The website works as a centralised access point to the information and publicising of their activity.
- Do not access, nor attempt to access, the website through any means other than legal means, nor use modified forms of software with the goal of obtaining unauthorised access to any part of the Website.
- Do not send any content that is illegal, threatening, malicious, abusive, harassing, defamatory, injurious, vulgar, obscene, indecent, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, racial, ethically or morally reprehensible, detrimental to the dignity of people, especially in the case of minors, or that could have a negative effect on OK Student’s image.
- Do not make available, send, use, or share any content or material that you have no right to or are not authorised to use or make available under any law, namely when this violates OK Student’s or third parties’ intellectual property rights, or also duties of confidentiality (for example, confidential information obtained because of your job or stemming from agreements with third parties).
- In general, do not make available or share content that violates the rights of others, whatever they may be, namely the right of publicity of third parties, such as the right of personal portrayal and the right to privacy (for example, photographs of friends of yours that they have not consented to circulate on the Internet);
- When making available, sending, or using, in any form, software, content or material that is not yours, you should obtain, before proceeding with these actions, the due authorisation in writing from its authors/holders of the intellectual property right and or/publicity right, such as image and voice, and, if necessary, make the necessary payments for this purpose. Do not make available content or material about which there are complaints or litigations regarding their ownership.
- Do not promote or make available instructive material about illegal activities, nor material that promotes any aggression (physical, emotional, etc.) about any group or individual, or that promotes any act of animal cruelty; this includes, but is not limited to providing information about building bombs, grenades, making poisons, etc.;
- Do not make available or transmit, purposefully or negligently, any type of material that contains or might contain viruses, worms, defects, Trojans or another item or computer codes, files, or programmes that are likely to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any equipment or computer system (hardware or software) or telecommunications equipment;
- Do not send materials that express or falsely indicate being sponsored or supported by OK Student;
- No not make available nor send information that you know or suspect to be false or deceptive;
- Do not obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photos, recordings, videos and software and, in general, any type of material or content available on the Website, using different means or procedures from the ones that have been made available to you or the ones that are usually used on the Internet for this purpose; and it is not permitted, in any case, the use of a method that affects the functionality of the Website or any application.
- Do not use the Website for purposes not allowed in these Conditions of Use, nor sublicense the software that OK Student makes available to you.
- Do not impersonate anyone or any entity, including but not limited to a responsible person of OK Student, nor guide or receive someone as if they were a host, or falsely testify kinship or connections with someone;
- Do not hide your identity;
- Do not forge headers or any form of identification in the sense of disguising and/or camouflaging any content transmitted by the services;
- Do not make available or transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised content such as: advertising emails, SPAM, junk mail, chain letters, or pyramid schemes; • Do not collect, store, make available, transmit, explore or reproduce information about other users (including usernames and/or email addresses) for unauthorised purposes;
- Do not remove any copyright, trademark or proprietary rights notices;
- Do not use any type of robot, spider, website search/recovery apps, or another device to index any part of the OK Student website;
- Do not use the Website channels and services for purposes of sharing copyright-protected files, and
- Do not falsify (introduce, modify, suppress, or erase, fully or partially) data, after its production, with the intent of misleading or deceiving the receptors of this data, including, namely: changing IP addresses (IP Spoofing) and changing the identification of email messages.
- Violation of authentication or safety systems that protect access accounts, servers, services or networks;
- Unauthorised access to or retrieval of any data, personal or not, any practice of Phishing being forbidden;
- Unauthorised search for vulnerabilities or deficiencies in access accounts, servers, services, and networks, especially the systematic detection in response to services (Scan);
- Access to computer systems, services or networks without express permission from the responsible persons or holders (Break In);
- Overload actions that aim to sabotage or sabotage the operation of the website of OK Student or of third parties (Denial of Service);
- Bulk sending of packages (Flooding);
- Interception and/or illegal or improper interference (or attempt of) in any data, systems or equipment without due authorisation to do so;
- Use of remote computers for traffic routing;
- Modification, adaptation, translation or decompilation (reverse engineering) of any part of the software owned by OK Student; and • Violation or violation attempt of the protection rules of the technological and information measures for the electronic management of rights under the Copyright and Related Rights Code.
In addition to these Conditions of Use, also read the website-specific Conditions of Use available at http://okestudante.pt/privacy-policy/.
You must read these documents, as they contain rules of use and additional information that might help to use the Website in the best way.
Please read the following information about the Website as well.
If you have any questions, please contact us at +351 910 885 439 (cost of a call to Portugal’s mobile network)
1. Whose Website is it?
- The Website, each one of its channels and services available on it, its structure, the selection, organisation, and presentation of its content, including its features and the software used on it, as well as the brands and logos presented on it, are the exclusive property of OK Student or the entities or people authorised to use it.
- The Website was developed with the interest of our users in mind. However, we cannot guarantee that the Website, or any service or feature available on it, meet the needs and expectations you might have or serve your specific purposes.
- Please also be aware that it is up to OK Student to manage the design, layout and disposition of all information, content and material on the Website, and therefore we can, at any time, update, modify or delete any content, services, options or features, as well as modify their presentation and configuration and change their URLs.
2. Do I have to do anything to use the Website?
- To browse OK Student’s website, you do not need to register, in principle. However, some features might require that you open a Personal Account in order to access them (from now on referred to as “OK Student Features”).
- You are subject to these Conditions of Use regardless of being a sporadic, frequent, or registered user, of the purpose of access or the type of use.
3. How can I access the Website whenever I want to use it?
- If the feature in question requires registration, it is enough to fill in your login credentials in the spaces indicated on the login page of the feature in question;
- In case you are using an external authentication service, authorise the OK Student login to access your data.
- You can access the login page of the Website or the feature in all authorised ways and/or platforms, or just by writing the respective URL on your homepage.
4. What type of care should I take by using the Website?
- To use the Website, you should not only respect these conditions, but also all mandatory rules specified in the law, namely the Copyright and Associated Rights Code, the Industrial Property Code, the Law of Computer Crime, the Law of Protection of Personal Data and the Advertising Code.
- You should use the Website in a responsible, prudent, and careful way, without disturbing or degrading the continuity, integrity and quality of the Website’s resources and features.
- The use you make of the Website will be on your own account and risk, and you are the sole responsible for any damage caused to your system and/or computer equipment or by other damages or losses, including the loss or damage of own or third party data, resulting from the use of material, content or information obtained, in any way, through the Website.
5. And if I don’t respect the Website’s conditions of use?
- If you do not respect the Website’s conditions of use, we may suspend or close your Personal Account for the feature in question, or even suspend or close your Personal Account for all features for which you are registered.
- We may also remove, without the need for prior notice, all and any content or material which has been made available through the website or that has been stored in our servers, when this content or materials are manifestly unlawful or when this is determined by an entity that is competent in the legal terms.
- OK Student may also ask you to immediately erase and/or remove any content that violates or is likely to violate the rights of OK Student or third parties, or that infringes legal rules.
6. What should I do if I know that someone is violating the Website’s conditions of use?
- If you know of anyone violating the Website’s rules of use, namely by making available content that is illegal or considered offensive, you should immediately contact us via email.
7. Will the Website be always operational and is it safe?
- We make every effort to ensure that the Website and each one of its features is always available whenever you want to use them. However, we cannot guarantee that the Website and each of its features function uninterruptedly, are free of errors or bugs or are available continuously.
- We will try to ensure that the Website and all its features do not contain any type of virus or other elements that are equally dangerous to your computer. However, since we cannot fully control the circulation of information through the Internet, we cannot guarantee that these will not contain any type of virus or other elements that might damage your computer. In the same way, we cannot guarantee that the content exchanged or sent through the Website and each one of its channels and services may not be viewed by third parties, to whom they were not intended.
- To ensure the safety of the Website, OK Student may, at any time and without the need for previous notice, take all the necessary steps to ensure the integrity, safety, continuity or quality of the Website, including access restrictions or limitations.
- It is also up to you to take all necessary steps to protect your computer. Therefore, we recommend the installation of anti-virus software and that you proceed to its periodic update. You should also inform OK Student whenever you suspect there is a situation of violation of safety or risks to the security of the Website and/or any of its features.
9. And if there are any security breaches?
- In this case, OK Student will make every effort to restore the safe operation of the Website.
- However, OK Student is not liable for any damage or loss which may result from:
- Use or impossibility of using the Website, including, in particular, delays, interruptions, errors, interferences and suspension of communications, omissions, viruses, bugs, and also breakdowns and/or malfunctions of the electronic, computer or telecommunications system;
- Delays or blockages caused by Internet deficiencies or overloads or in other electronic systems, namely, failure to access any part of the Website;
- Suspension, non-operation or unauthorised use of the servers in which the Website is hosted and/or all information and data hosted there;
- Illegitimate updates from third parties, including the access or modification of personal databases;
- Use of the username and password by unauthorised third parties; and
- Possible security errors or deficiencies that may occur in the use of an outdated or insecure browser, as well as due to the activations of password or user identification code retention devices in the browser or damage, errors or inexactitudes that may result from its operation.
10. Can the Website be closed?
- Yes. OK Student may, at any time and without prior notice to the users of the Website:
- Suspend, partially or fully, access to any part of the Website, especially in management, maintenance, repair, change, or modernisation operations. Whenever there are scheduled operations, and it is possible to do so, OK Student will publish an online notice of the date and duration of the intervention;
- Close, definitely or temporarily, partially or totally, any part of the Website.
- OK Student may also restrict, according to their criteria, the access to any part of the Website or subject it to strategic or commercial constraints.
- The suspension or closure of the Website or any of its features, for whatever reason, does not give users the right to receive any indemnification or compensation, on any grounds, from OK Student.
11. Final information
- By using the Website and/or any of its features you accept the knowledge and compliance with these Conditions of Use.
- We recommend the regular reading of this document, available at https://okstudent.com/terms-and-conditions/, as OK Student may change these conditions at any moment and without previous notice. The new conditions of use will take effect as soon as they are entered in this document and published on https://okestudante.pt/termos-de-utilizacao/. If you do not agree to any of the conditions of use, you should not use the Website or any of its features.
- These Conditions of Use are ruled by Portuguese law and, in the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the said provisions, the jurisdiction of the district of Lisbon shall be competent, with the express waiver of any other jurisdiction.
- In the case of contradiction between these Conditions of Use and the specific Conditions of each feature of the Website, the latter shall prevail.
- OK Student’s Website is a page that allows access to information available on the Internet, as well as to OK Student features.
- Do not access, nor try to access the Website through other means other than legal ones.
- Do not send, make available or use content that is illegal, offensive or that violates intellectual property rights of third parties or publicity rights (such as image and privacy);
- No not make available or transmit content with viruses or other files/codes that may interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any equipment or system;
- Do not send materials that express or falsely indicate being sponsored or supported by OK Student;
- No not make available nor send information that you know to be false or deceptive;
- Do not impersonate any person or an entity;
- Do not hide your identity;
- Do not forge headers or any form of identification in the sense of disguising and/or camouflaging any content transmitted by OK Student; • Do not make available or transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised content such advertising emails, SPAM, junk mail, chain letters, pyramid schemes.
- Do not collect nor use information about other users for unauthorised means;
- Do not use any type of device to index any part of the Website’s channels and services;
- Do not remove any copyright, trademark or proprietary rights notices;
- Do not falsify data, including, namely: changing IP addresses (IP Spoofing) and changing the identification of email messages.
- Do not practice any of the following acts:
- Violation of authentication or safety systems,
- Phishing,
- Scan,
- Break In,
- Overload actions that lead to Denial of Service,
- Bulk sending of packages (Flooding),
- Intercepting and/or illegal or undue interference in any data, systems or equipment,
- Use of remote computers for traffic routing,
- Modification, adaptation, translation or decompilation of software.
- Violation or violation attempt of the protection rules of the technological measures and information for the electronic management of rights (DRM).
- Also read the Conditions of use specific to each feature in question, and the Privacy Policy, available at https://okstudent.pt/privacy-policy/.
- The Website and its contents are the exclusive property of OK Student or of the entities or people who authorised their use.
- • We cannot guarantee that the Website, or any service or feature available on it, meets any needs and expectations you have or serve your specific purposes.
- The Website, its content and its features may be modified or removed at any time.
- To browse OK Student’s website you do not need to register, in principle. However, some features might require that you open a Personal Account in order to access them (“OK Student Features”). To know how to register, read the OK Student General Registration Conditions.
- The use you make of the Website is at your own risk, and you are responsible for any data loss or damage.
- If you do not respect the Website’s rules of use, we may have to suspend or close your Personal Account for the feature in question, or even suspend or close your Personal Account for all features for which you are registered.
- We may also remove all and any content or material which has been made available through the website, when this content or materials are manifestly unlawful or when this is determined by an entity that is competent in the legal terms.
- OK Student is not responsible for how third parties might use their content. OK Student informs that, generally, they will not limit the possibility of downloading or editing of this content.
- OK Student does not guarantee that any advice, recommendation, or information presented on the Website is current, rigorous, complete or free from errors, or that any material or content is safe or legal.
- OK Student is not responsible for the content available on linked pages.
- If you know of anyone who is in violation of the Website’s rules of use, you should immediately contact us via email.
- We make every effort to ensure that the Website is available whenever you want to use it. However, we cannot guarantee that the Website functions uninterruptedly, is free from errors or bugs or is available continuously.
- OK Student is not responsible for the damage or loss which might result from the use or impossibility of using the Website, resulting from problems with the electronic, computer of telecommunications systems, including servers, or that do not result from actions by OK Student.
- Ok Student may, at any time and without prior notice, suspend or close the Website or any of its parts.
- The suspension or closure of the Website or any of its features, for whatever reason, does not give users the right to receive any indemnification or compensation from OK Student.
- By using the Website, you accept these Conditions of Use and should respect them.
- We may change these Conditions of Use at any time without further notice. You should regularly read the Conditions of Use and in case you disagree with any of the rules of use, you should not use the Website.
Date of the last update, February 13, 2023